Scoop! Leaked notes at least partially accurate!
mjdoom,Apr 9 2005, 12:09 PM Wrote:Your fear still works!  It just doesn't work over .. again. 
- mjdoom

No, it doesn't. IIRC, Dwarf priests get a 10 minute long fear immunity buff. How's that for not working? That's only the tip of the iceberg. Is your Psychic scream dispellable? Nope. Can you cast it over and over without diminsing returns? Yep. Does yours break after 2 seconds? Nope. You have no clue how badly gimped fear is in PvP.

Warlocks own demons. With luck, skill and good timing, three are reduced to 1v1. Banish one, survive long enough to enslave one (doesn't always happen, a lucky crit = dead), and make sure any patrols are eliminated.

Pray to prng gods that Enslave doesn't turn on you, the first demon doesn't come unbanished prematurely, which frequently happens at the worst possible situation, hope you took care of stealthed patrols, and waste the third. All steps are risky, and take long. You're just jealous we actually have ONE strength. That's PvE vs demons and elementals. Break shackle early? That's nothing. We get demons breaking enslave early, breaking banish early, resisting everything, and fear/charm breaking early and having diminished returns in pvp.

You have nothing to complain about.

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Scoop! Leaked notes at least partially accurate! - by Drasca - 04-09-2005, 05:59 PM

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