10 slot bags and other crafted items: Terenas
Marn is wearing a deviate scale belt. I don't know if that helps or not. :)

As for the off forums. I'm erring on the side of caution there as well. I prefer to keep as much in the guild as I can. All tabard discussion on Terenas happened of forums and strictly in PM's and guild chat by my choice. Partly because of the issues that happened with the Stormrage discussion on the forums and partly because of only wanting input form people who were playing on Terenas at the time. :)

My theory is that if you are willing to help craft put your skill levels in the note in the abbreviated form. If you don't want to craft for others, don't put it in there.

And yes I have considered using other webspace that I have available to set-up some detailed guild information sharing space. I can see definite advantages to it. But my personsal preference as Terenas guild leader is to keep as much guild stuff in the guild and leave the lounge for more static organization stuff and start discussions.

However I would not mind have a section on these forums set aside purely for guild business. I just personally like to keep as much as is reasonably possible off the current set-up of the lounge forums. :) Which is why my post on willingness to help craft with any of my chars was short and didn't include specific items.

It also because of my stubborness and suggestions to Blizzard to make more in game tools for guild organization. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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10 slot bags and other crafted items: Terenas - by Kevin - 03-30-2005, 08:19 PM

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