Where do resists trump stamina/armor/defense.
Rinnhart,Mar 20 2005, 03:33 AM Wrote:Artega won the PvP aspect of this thread.
An additional note: +dodge and defense equate to physical damage resistance. While this will make you rock the worlds of melee fighters, mages will laugh as your burn.

Stamina, stamina, stamina. And maybe some + crit chance.

Dodge is bad for fighting Warriors. Very bad.

Stacking Parry would be more effective, but it's very difficult to find anything with +parry, though +Defense is reasonably easy to find.

Warriors MUST have a high crit chance to be effective in PvP if they're doing anything but playing the role of mana sponge. Both of our major passives (Deep Wounds, Flurry) are crit-activated. Plus, your crits from special abilities (such as Execute, Whirlwind, and namely Mortal Strike) will be 220% damage (or 170% if physical crits follow suit with magic crits), which means it's entirely feasible to crit for over 1200 with a MS+Enrage hit.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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Where do resists trump stamina/armor/defense. - by Artega - 03-20-2005, 11:21 AM

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