Five Player Running Lower Blackrock Spire
Gurnsey,Mar 16 2005, 12:20 PM Wrote:One question:  maybe it sounds longer in the telling than the actual experience, but it seems like your trips into this instance were marathon runs - is there any feeling of weariness at some point where it's just too much, or does the changing mobs and strategies in the different parts of the dungeon keep everything fresh?

Hmmm... well, I think clearing out most of the troll area slowed things down quite a bit, so people got a little tired then. All told, the trip took three hours and forty-five minutes, so yeah, it's a good long trip compared to the raid zergs that most high level players are used to. On the other hand, when you're playing in a five player group, every member's contribution is important and therefore every fight is intense. After each fight, there's a feeling of accomplishment. I think that's what keeps things fresh.

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Five Player Running Lower Blackrock Spire - by MongoJerry - 03-16-2005, 07:43 PM

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