Windsor Escort Take 2 or 3 or 4 or.......Thursday?
Sword_of_Doom,Feb 23 2005, 11:06 PM Wrote:This quest is starting to frustrate me beyond belief but as i have learned through life, patience is a virtue (or is it??).

I'm not on a server with you guys or I'd offer to help. The most I can do is offer some advice.

Clear the large open areas just inside the instance entrance, the entire jail circle and the circle around the ring of law before you start the quest. If you're cautious (I'm the belt and suspenders sort myself) clear both ends of the guard tunnel in the jail just in case. Make sure you clear all the jail cells. The mobs that spawn in them are enough trouble without the ones already there.

Take the aggro before Windsor does. Be ready for the spawning mobs and rush them. Charge the cells before he has a chance to wade in and get himself killed. Do your level best to pull aggro off him when he gets it. And for heaven's sake don't fail the quest because you sat down to drink and let him get too far ahead of you.

Once he gets his armor you can breathe a little easier.

Good Luck!


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Windsor Escort Take 2 or 3 or 4 or.......Thursday? - by DarkCrown - 02-24-2005, 10:30 PM

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