Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3?
Nystul,Feb 17 2005, 09:08 PM Wrote:No roleplaying angels and demons

Demons and angels give a lot of extra character possibilities, plus let people into more sides of the story.

Nystul Wrote:2)  Game should be 3D, not just in graphics but in implementation (e.g. WoW has 3D graphics but is no more of a 3D game than Dragon Warrior).  I would even go so far as to suggest first-person perspective only, although that would be very controversial.

That would be kind of cool. As an addition to that, have terrain possibly effect how spells work. Such as, in a lava area any lava spells would probably cost less mana, but do less damage since creatures there would be used to the hit. Meteors/fire spells get extra burn times n jungle areas, o characters move slower in colder/warmer areas depending on where they're supposed to scome from.

Nystul Wrote:3)  Game and storyline should be simple, dungeon focused, and small scale.  Very little combat should occur in open areas.  As an example storyline:  Perhaps the destruction of the Worldstone causes "Hell on Earth syndrome".  As the world engages in an epic war (which would make a fine MMOG plot, but we ain't going there), Deckard Cain enlists a small band of heroes to try to cut off the problems through a backdoor approach.  The backdoor:  a narrow passageway into the heart of hell in a small town called Tristram, long forgotten by all but the wisest and oldest.

Part of a complex story for me is my idea of the Diablo world in a civ type game, and some of it comes from my idea of having people not all be riding on one group of heros, instead having them fight demons and angels on equal terms.

Nystul Wrote:5)  Less predictability in how to deal with monsters than D2.  This is partly about making mobs more unique and generation more random, but it also gets into player attacks and defenses.  Imagine going into the Den of Evil (at level 1 when your attack types are obviously still quite limited and a wide variety of approaches can make a big difference), and seeing a randomly generated mix of low level quill rats, shamans (who can res everything, not just fallens), and oblivion knights.  Again, these things can be themed as long as the theme doesn't suck away the fun.

Instead of mixing types of creatures up mix up the types of attacks they use, resistances, or speeds if the computers can handle it. As in, maybe the shamans in the den of Evil have a half chance of shooting fire or resurecting, but some will curse and resurect, some will fire and curse, some will shoots cold, etc.

Nystul Wrote:6)  In general, AOE attacks should be the exception rather than the rule.  Even for high level characters.  Most AOE effects should probably be something other than damage.

This may be a playing style difference. Personally, the fun of the game for me is killing big groups of creatures with area effect attacks or sort of area effect attacks such as zeal, while for you apparently it's different. A change that might have a similar effect is having monsters smarter so they don't bunch up as easilly, and it takes some work, so those area attackers have to take more time to get monsters together for a really powerful attack, while the single attackers can kill the mone at a time.

Nystul Wrote:10)  Include some sort of literally endless maze for high level characters where everything is insanely random and the mobs keep getting tougher as you go down.  This should be only accessible near the very end game and should only be loosely plot related.

Neat idea

Nystul Wrote:11)  Make sure that small groups of players and small groups of enemies both are equipped with unique support skills/spells to keep things interesting.

Sort of fits with the idea above I guess

Nystul Wrote:12)  Hero has good intentions, but ends up doing something boneheaded (probably at the suggestion of Deckard Cain) which will seem to conquer evil, but actually make the world more screwed up at the start of Diablo 4.

This will happen for sure.

Some more ideas: Non player armies that go out and fight monsters. These armies could fight with basic damage characters and make the combat more interesting, or big groups of support characters would make the wandering armies much more powerful and have them do the killing.

More of hell and heaven: of course I want to see this.
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The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

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Messages In This Thread
Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by JustAGuy - 02-13-2005, 03:50 AM
Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by Wyrm - 02-13-2005, 04:10 AM
Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by DeeBye - 02-13-2005, 04:43 AM
Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by Nystul - 02-13-2005, 06:37 PM
Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3? - by Wyrm - 02-13-2005, 07:18 PM
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