Please help me remember an old Sci-Fi show
Some time in the mid 80's, I saw a show that was about an average family getting stuck in a parallel world.

I barely remember anything but vague images of some sort of obelisk related to how they got into the dimension, but I do remember one thing very clearly: The mother went to the grocery store, and in it there was nothing but white labeled boxes and cans with "Good Food" written on them all in black text. She bought a bunch of it, took it home, and cooked it for the family.

This may have been one of the "new" (it was in color) Twilight Zones, or Outer Limits, but I think it was a series that was cancelled before it really went anywhere.

I've tried looking for it with several different searches on Google, but with nothing more to go on than "Parellel dimension", "sci-fi", "good food" and things of that sort, I'm not getting anything but people talking about restaurants on the same page as something sci-fi related.

Does anyone remember anything like this?

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Please help me remember an old Sci-Fi show - by LiquidDamage - 02-03-2005, 08:33 PM

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