01-16-2005, 05:39 AM
vor_lord,Jan 14 2005, 07:54 AM Wrote:However, what I'm missing is how a "base" attack power is calculated. Does anyone know this? 2*Str is more attack power than I have, so there is something modifying the base that I'm not sure of. Character level is probably involved, weapon skill is certainly involved. I'd like to know how.
It's fairly well established (though Tyren has denied it at length) that Stamina and Intellect gained on level up have absolutely no effect on anything at all, so it wouldn't surprise me if the other stats gained on level up also did nothing. This is purely speculation, but I'd wager attack power is equal to attack power derived from +str on items plus some base amount that is solely depenent on character level, or perhaps character level and class.