Leeah's Guide to Auction House Pricing Strategies
I'm eagerly awaiting the completion of this guide. I myself have very recently started "playing" the auction house, but not in a tremendously serious capacity. As I soon hope to reach level 40, I started mining some iron and mithril to sell at the auction house. I was selling the iron for 2g a stack, and it was generally selling fine, when one day I saw a ton of people selling for 1.5g a stack, so I decided to buy as much as I could and resell at 2g. It kind of snowballed from there, now iron sells for as much as 3g a stack, I'm doing my best to buy out every scrap of cheap iron and mithril I can, and I've started to move into the truesilver market but I think it might be harder to control since it's more expensive and usually sold 1 bar at a time.

I've thought of moving into areas other than metals, but I find I either can't tell if I'm getting a good price (in the case of green/blue items) or the market is too large for me to make any effort at dictating prices (cloth, leather, and bags). Metals seem to have small supply, high relative value/margins, and you are virtually assured to sell your inventory if your price is in the right ballpark. The biggest factor, though, is that I know what I want the prices to be, and I don't for other types of items.

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Leeah's Guide to Auction House Pricing Strategies - by Boutros - 01-12-2005, 10:50 AM

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