The Tank
In response to MJ's call for content, I'm intending of putting together a guide to the true warrior - the TANK. Currently I'm playing the standard (sheep!) Arms/Fury Warrior, but I've come to realize that Warriors (as far as groups go) aren't DPS - they're frickin tanks! While my generic PvP (especially solo) will suffer due to the loss of pretty much every DPS ability Arms and Fury offer, I'll still be able to tie up guards with tons of aggro-grabbing stuff, and I can still be effective against most opponents due to my incessant stun-whoring, especially if they hit back.

Currently, the talents I'm planning on respecing to are these:


Shield Specialization 5/5 - I'm gonna use a shield, so this is a no-brainer.

Toughness 5/5 - I'm gonna be a tank. More Armor means a meatier meatshield.

Improved Bloodrage 2/2 - I love Bloodrage. This just gives me more reason to spam it, especially since I won't be getting better rage-generation from Unbridled Wrath.

Last Stand 1/1 - The logical conclusion to getting Improved Bloodrage. Combined with Challenging Shout and (Improved) Shield Wall, this could make for the ultimate "Oh, #$%&" combination of uber-tankage.

Improved Shield Block 3/3 - Makes it a bit more useful as a reliable skill instead of a quick way to trigger Revenge.

Improved Revenge 3/3 - Part one of stun-whoring. Will drive enemy Warriors and Paladins up the walls.

Improved Taunt 2/2 - Need a place to put the last two points for tier5 abilties, and I'd rather have a faster Taunt than more armor reduction or a slightly longer Disarm.

Improved Shield Wall 2/2 - Brings Shield Wall up to Retaliation's and Recklessness' level in terms of duration.

Improved Shield Bash 2/2 - 100% chance to silence the target for three seconds. How is that EVER bad? Shut the casters up!

Concussion Blow 1/1 - Five second stun once every forty-five seconds. Part two of being a total stun-whore.

One-handed Weapon Specialization 5/5 - Improved, it now brings my melee damage up to par, but it's more for solo and PvP effectiveness than tanking effectiveness, though increased damage output will generate a little extra hate.

Shield Discipline 1/1 - The gem of Protection, arguably (I think it's Improved Shield Bash.) For the next twenty seconds, Shield Bash deals triple damage and double threat, and your shield absords an extra 50% damage. Forty-five second cooldown.

Arms Talents

Deflection 5/5 - Makes you wonder why this isn't in Protection. Increases your Parry chance, reducing damage taken, and making you a little less dependant on Shield Block for activating Revenge.

Tactical Mastery 3/5 - Versatility is the key to an effective Warrior, and 15 Rage is enough to squeeze off a quick Intercept or Hamstring in PvP. Nice to have for PvE just the same.

Fury Talents

Cruelty 5/5 - We aren't damage-focused, but I just can't pass this skill up. It's just too damn good.

Improved Demoralizing Shout 5/5 - The Warrior's key debuff, further reduces damage taken.

Piercing Howl 1/1 - The only snare you have in Defensive Stance, and it's a good one. Limited use in PvP.

Obviously, we're trading damage output for staying ablility. With the best Protection has to offer, this build redefines what it means to be a tank, and makes you a threat even in PvP because of your difficulty in being killed, and all of the constant stun-whoring. Plus, Improved Shield Bash will downright piss off every single caster that you come across. Even if they aren't casting a spell, you can bash them your shield for three seconds to shut them up for three seconds, and when they DO get their spells back, you can switch to Berserker Stance to Pummel them for thinking that you're gonna let them cast a spell. Toss in a Concussive Blow to let Shield Bash's timer regenerate, and repeat. Casters will cry when they see you.

This build is also meant to take full advantage of the Tauren's two biggest racial bonuses - +5% to HP and the ever-lovely War Stomp. War Stomp is the third and final step in stun-whoring. It can affect up to five targets, and stuns for two seconds. Use it in place of Concussion Blow in PvP, or when you want to give your healers a couple precious seconds to heal in PvE when everything goes to hell.

Piercing Howl should be kept up at most times during PvE to keep mobs from tearing off after the squishies, and helps out other snarers in your group. Don't forget to spam Demoralizing Shout to reduce damage taken and generate extra hate, though. Switching to Battle Stance for Hamstring might be better in PvP, though, even though its snare effects are less.

Finally, you should either become or find an Armorsmith to feel the full benefits of this build. With the full Thorium armor set, you'll have +46 to all of your resistances, not counting possible resistances on your cloak/rings/trinkets. Casters will not only cry when they see you, they'll also spam the Blizzard Suggestion board with how broken Warriors are.

You're going to want to focus on Stamina as your primary attribute to take full advantage of the HP bonus you get from being Tauren, and then add to Strength to increase the amount of damage your shield will absorb for you.

With shields having more than 2000 Armor at the endgame, and with Plate armor pieces having between 300 and 800 Armor, your Toughness talent will probably be giving you an 800-1000 Armor bonus, making you incredibly hard to kill with physical damage. Toss in moderate to high resistances, and you're going to be basically unkillable. People will refuse to fight you in PvP because they'll run out of mana or break their weapons before they even come close to killing you :)

EDIT: I'm torn over what order to get the talents in. I'm thinking of getting Deflection, Cruelty, and Tactical Mastery first, then rushing to Shield Discipline, then finishing up with Piercing Howl, but that's a long time without a snare in Defensive, but it's not TOO hard to shift stances for a quick Hamstring. Any ideas?
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.

Messages In This Thread
The Tank - by Artega - 01-05-2005, 10:56 AM
The Tank - by stabby - 01-05-2005, 12:38 PM
The Tank - by Tal - 01-05-2005, 02:12 PM
The Tank - by Concillian - 01-05-2005, 08:05 PM
The Tank - by Olon97 - 01-05-2005, 08:12 PM
The Tank - by Cryptic - 01-05-2005, 10:47 PM
The Tank - by Olon97 - 01-05-2005, 11:50 PM
The Tank - by Concillian - 01-06-2005, 12:18 AM
The Tank - by Artega - 01-06-2005, 12:45 PM
The Tank - by Kevin - 01-06-2005, 03:57 PM
The Tank - by Artega - 01-06-2005, 08:44 PM
The Tank - by Concillian - 01-06-2005, 09:30 PM
The Tank - by Occhidiangela - 01-06-2005, 10:16 PM
The Tank - by Concillian - 01-06-2005, 11:12 PM
The Tank - by Kevin - 01-06-2005, 11:12 PM
The Tank - by Tal - 01-06-2005, 11:18 PM
The Tank - by Concillian - 01-07-2005, 12:55 AM
The Tank - by Tal - 01-07-2005, 01:35 AM

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