A New Need-Before-Greed Loot Setting Proposal
Malakar,Dec 31 2004, 03:09 PM Wrote:I'd also like to see NBG loot setting fixed. Warriors rolling on cloth is ridiculous.

The trouble with that is that removing that possibility also removes the ability for people to make oddball builds. For example, a warrior might choose to wear robes and/or all cloth armor.

But even with non-oddball builds, where one draws the line can be hazy. For example, I got some strange looks when I rolled on some cloth items for my hunter in the beta. While I would have prefered to wear leather -- and after level 40, mail -- sometimes some cloth items dropped that had a lot better stats on them than the leather and/or mail items I had. I don't think these kinds of judgements are best made by the game. I think they should be made by the individual player and the individual players in the party. The best anti-ninja-looting system isn't a good loot system -- it's a good blacklist system. But what constitutes a good blacklist system is a whole different discussion.

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A New Need-Before-Greed Loot Setting Proposal - by MongoJerry - 01-01-2005, 09:31 AM

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