A New Need-Before-Greed Loot Setting Proposal

Looks reasonably good, although I really don't see a need for 'pass'. Seems like anyone who doesn't need an item could still use it just for cash. Eliminating 'pass' simplifies the processes in two ways. First, a simple "Need: Yes/No" selection would suffice, possibly making it easier and faster to choose. Second, everyone not in 'need' is in 'greed' which makes selecting the people in the second round of 'rolling' (if there is one) easier. In selling this to the Blizzard developers, having an easier (and thus more easily implemented) solution may be desirable.

As an aside to Treesh: I doubt that it is even possible to do more than a rough job of detecting 'need' algorithmically, especially when dealing with roleplayers. Ultimately, the way to have a good game is to play with good people -- and that is what the 'friends' are for :)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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A New Need-Before-Greed Loot Setting Proposal - by --Pete - 12-30-2004, 10:22 PM

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