A New Need-Before-Greed Loot Setting Proposal
MongoJerry,Dec 30 2004, 03:51 PM Wrote:The New Proposed "Need Before Greed" Loot Setting

Since most players want to distribute loot via the principle of "Need Before Greed," (NBG), I propose that a new loot system be created to reflect that.  Whenever a green, blue, or purple item drops, all partymembers should receive a popup dialog box that gives them three choices:

  • <>
  • Need

  • Greed

  • Pass

    When players make their choices, the party chat channel should show messages like "So-n-so declares NEED," "So-n-so2 declares GREED," and "So-n-so3 declares PASS."

    Once all players have declared Need, Greed, or Pass, then the server should roll and distribute the loot accordingly.&nbsp; That is, players who declare Need get priority over players who declare Greed.&nbsp; If no one declares a Need for the item, then the server should roll for those who declared they wanted the item for Greed reasons.&nbsp; Finally, if everyone passes, then the item stays on the corpse.&nbsp; (Note: The server should also automatically roll again to break any tie rolls.&nbsp; For some reason, that doesn't happen with Group Loot now).

    This system would be fast, less prone to mistakes, and best of all, reflect the loot distribution wishes of most WoW players.&nbsp; I urge the developers at Blizzard to implement this system as soon as it can reasonably be done.
But wouldn't the people who are greedy anyway just lie and declare NEED anyway, regardless of if they need it or not? What about the people who decide they need it for an alt and declare need despite the fact that a character in the group needs it for an immediate upgrade? These are a couple of problems I can see with allowing the players to choose if they are needy or greedy. Solutions? Without putting in better decision making code that doesn't rely on players' good wills (which may end up screwing over some people who make some odd roleplaying builds), I don't really have any solutions to the questions I just asked. Sorry. I have no idea how to make the looting more fair without having to rely on people in your group being decent people.

Edit: Reworded to express myself slightly better.
Intolerant monkey.

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A New Need-Before-Greed Loot Setting Proposal - by Treesh - 12-30-2004, 10:00 PM

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