European ENGLISH WOW Collectors Edition
On November 26, when the pre-orders for the European WOW retail versions (due in early 2005) have been announced, I had ordered the GERMAN version of the Collector's Edition. Originally, I wanted - I really wanted one - the ENGLISH version of the WOW CE for Europe, but had no luck to get one in the U.K. where it was sold out almost immediately. I believe it was even just one U.K. dealer that had it. The German WOW CE was finally completely sold out here in Germany as well on December 6.

Now, why the English version by all means? The disadvantage of all localized WOW CE's, including the German one, is that it's just partially localized. You get the game, manual and artbook in German language, and the rest is in English. So, the package - we are talking about an exclusive, limited edition package here - is not very "consistent" and appears to be a quite cheap compared to the English original. Also, the German voice acting is not as good as the English one.

Yesterday, when I checked my mailbox, I've got a mail from my German game dealer which said that they give me the opportunity to exchange my pre-order of the German WOW CE by an English one at no extra costs! I replied, and got today the confirmation that I'll get the English WOW CE once it is released in Europe in early 2005. The guys from the shop obviously had problems to satisfy all German WOW CE pre-orders, then got (or ordered) some extra English CE's from Vivendi which they now try to offer in exchange to people who ordered the German CE.

Point in case: Sometimes, you just have to have a bit luck, and your original wish comes true later automatically :)

PS: I hope you didn't find this little story too boring :P
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller

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European ENGLISH WOW Collectors Edition - by nobbie - 12-10-2004, 06:00 PM

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