11-09-2004, 06:21 PM
Occhidiangela,Nov 9 2004, 10:25 AM Wrote:What one probably needs is about 25 more spread sheets, each with a by county or by metropolitain area per capita figure on
Health costsw
level of education
hours of TV per week
hours on the internet per week
literatcy level
ethnic group (sadly, any number of local races break down along racial lines. Sad but true.)
To try to find a better relationship between vote and conditions that move one to one party platform or another, or against one party platform or another....
Mmmm, regression analysis on par with the census bureau (but add gender to your list of variables, and look at things grouped by zip codes rather than anything useful). Just make sure to avoid stepwise methods, our you'll find things that aren't there.
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