Can I have the idiot of the month award?
This is not a computer story.

My brother is two years older than me, and when we were children he used to urge me on to do dangerous things. He wanted to "test" the danger factor of the proposed feat by sending his little brother in first. If I succeeded without serious injury, he'd try it.

Some neighbourhood kids were jumping ditches with their bikes. They would pedal really fast and use a small incline to jump the ditch. My brother watched them, and thought we should try it. As usual, he sent me first. I was maybe 6 years old at the time.

I was clad only in a bathing suit, and so was my brother. This is important to the story.

I pedalled really fast and jumped the ditch with no problems. My brother pedalled really fast and crashed.

He landed back-first in the ditch, and his bike landed on top of him. His bike's back wheel was spinning incredibly fast when it landed on him, and he was only wearing a bathing suit for crotchal protection. The spokes of his bike's back wheel got caught up in the front part of his bathing suit. It did some damage to the flesh under the front part of his bathing suit.

Long story short, I got to ride in an ambulance and my brother got a lot of stitches.

This has nothing to do with the orginal topic.

Messages In This Thread
Can I have the idiot of the month award? - by DeeBye - 11-09-2004, 05:48 AM

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