Can I have the idiot of the month award?
Ok, this one is rather bad.

When I was first learning how to assemble computers I had a slight problem with my sound card. I had just re-assembled my first computer (just to put it into a new case) and for some reason my speakers wouldn't work. So I re-opened my case and started messing with my card. Because of my inexperience I really didn't know what to do I kinda took one of the small 4-input female connectors from the power supply (the ones that hook into 3.5 floppy drives) and sorta thought that I should connect it *to* the sound card via a few prongs on the outer edge. Needless to say, a few moments later my computer completly shut down, and attempts to restart it ended up with absolutly nothing. Seems like the connection had sent a surge through my harddrive and burnt out the control board.

Yeah...from then on I made it a point to not do anything that was risky and/or that I didn't know about while in my computer.
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"

Messages In This Thread
Can I have the idiot of the month award? - by Urza-DSF - 11-09-2004, 03:59 AM

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