Can I have the idiot of the month award?
Well, when I was... in elementary, sometime, we had a computer with a second floppy drive, the big one, 5 1/4 or something. Anyways, I wanted to play a game on a CD. I looked at the front of the case, and saw only one hole that would fit the CD. So I put it in. And closed the little flapper flopper thing. I then went running to my dad when I discovered it didn't work.

My dad was eventually able to get it out. Using his keys.

The computer was okay, but that CD never worked again. It's a shame, I remember it being really fun. It was like Bob the Builder or something, except I don't think Bob the Builder was out by then...

I guess it doesn't really compare to gatorading your keyboard on a laptop, but... :huh:


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Can I have the idiot of the month award? - by Refrigerator - 11-09-2004, 03:24 AM

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