Probably the best PSAs I've ever seen.
Doc,Oct 24 2004, 07:12 PM Wrote:You know, I am not one for violence. It bothers me on a deep and personal level. And I have always tried to resolve everything with non violence...

But if somebody pulled that crap in my presense, I would give them the worst beating they have ever had in their whole life. And as they lay there, broken, bruised, beaten, bloody, and battered, I would explain to them this is how it feels to be small, helpless, and a victim. I would then procede to educate them on the proper treatment of the fairer sex, and the finer points of Southern Graces, driving my point home with proper enforcement as the situation demands. I would have to enlighten the twit on all the things his mama never taught him, like offering your coat to a lady if she so much as shivers, saying please and thank you, opening doors for the women folk, and general kindness.

Have done this very thing on several occasions. No regret. Real men don't sit by and let this crap happen. Men that do aren't men at all.

Just looking at those made my blood boil. Argh. I had to spend a good while cooling off and composing my self just so I could type out a somewhat civilized reply.

Argh. Still feel angry.

Born of the same breed, you and I. Mayhap I'll buy us a round of drinks to cool off with.
Roland *The Gunslinger*

Messages In This Thread
Probably the best PSAs I've ever seen. - by Tal - 10-22-2004, 11:19 AM
Probably the best PSAs I've ever seen. - by Doc - 10-24-2004, 11:12 PM
Probably the best PSAs I've ever seen. - by Roland - 10-25-2004, 10:47 PM
Probably the best PSAs I've ever seen. - by Doc - 10-26-2004, 11:23 AM

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