09-16-2004, 12:59 PM
JustAGuy,Sep 15 2004, 11:38 PM Wrote:In most cases, LCD monitors are much easier on the eye than CRTs, especially for reading. Sure, that's a subjective claim, but if you've ever read an article off of an LCD monitor, I'll wager you'd agree with me. It also helps that the refresh rate is locked, and the picture is more solid, when compared to CRT.I'd have to disagree with that claim. Unless you have a horribly wrong refresh rate on a CRT (read: never use 60Hz) I don't see LCD's being easier on the eyes.
I will openly admit my ignorance though: Are laptop LCD monitors the same as stand alone desktop LCD monitors? My roomate has a desktop with an LCD and I don't notice a difference when I switch from this laptop to his.
I also have to admit my bias, I am the owner of a 21' Beast of a CRT monitor. For the asking price of 175$ I couldn't resist. I must agree with spider's summarization that if you have the space, get a CRT.
The screens also throw two different kinds of glare, and I must say I'm partial to the CRT glare, whether that be out of years of training, or for other reasons.
As for the reading an article? I've always prefered to use a CRT, and am sorely missing my CRT at school. Silly laptop LCD's.