My young barbarian has grown.....
There are several "wrong" things you've done.
First, let me explain: The character is messed up. That means that though it may be playable, it will be harder than an "optimized" build; If you are no-twink (or have little to no "powerful" items) its practically impossible -can be done, but it's more frustrating than fun- to beat hell.

What you have is a whirlwind barbarian. As of 1.10, leech has been nerfed, so "base vit and rest on STR for greater leech" wich worked so good on 1.9 is not as effective as before -actually, titan barbs are more of a variant-.

To be alive, you need LIFE. Of course, life leech is still a must, as is mana leech. Whirlwind barbarians are usually taking on more enemies than other types of barbs, so high life is more important to them. Battle orders is a MUST for them, not only for the extra life, but for the extra mana wich is really helpful.

The basic whirlwinder is built as follows:

- Enough STR and DEX to equip your weapon. If you plan on using a shield, keep pumping dex for 75% block. It's REALLY helpful to have the weapon beforehand, but even if you dont, you *have* to decide if you want a shield (safer) or not (more damage). The rest of points go into vit. None at energy.

The basic skill planning is as follows:
On the early levels, put 1 on every whirlwind requisite, on every warcry (decide if you're using grim ward or not, and if you're maxing warcry or not; all the others deserve at least 1 point), and on every passive save the masteries. You should choose your mastery of choice and dump "some" points there (do not max yet).

Max battle orders as soon as possible. Meanwhile get at least 5 points (40%) on natural resists. I wouldnt put more than 13 points on natural resists, including equipment bonuses.

After you have 5 natural resists, dump the rest of the points on your mastery (remember, BO always takes priority). Then finish maxing mastery.

When you have both bo and mastery maxed, (5 points into natural resistances is nice, but not a need) start maxing whirlwind. THEN you can either choose to max shout -wich works much better than iron skin when maxing- or war cry -wich is extra nice for stunning monsters, but more suited for other barb styles-

This is, IMHO, the "safest" way to build a barbarian; Remember to put at least 1 point into vit each level; you can do without vit on the early levels, but by levels 30+ you'll start to drop like a fly.

On a last note, less than level 60 is suicide on hell, unles you have * very * good equipment (wich, by the way, you will not be able to use untill later). Most people on dont step on hell before levels 70-75.
Blind me please,
I am on my hands and knees
I can only pray
Take my sun away, away...

Messages In This Thread
My young barbarian has grown..... - by Zzabur - 08-28-2004, 06:27 AM
My young barbarian has grown..... - by Wyrm - 08-28-2004, 04:55 PM

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