07-23-2004, 02:57 AM
devzero,Jun 22 2004, 05:56 AM Wrote:If you have 130 dammage reduced (0% dammage reduction) and his hit by amplify, then an attack that does 135 dammage, you will take 10 points of damage.I realize that 130 is most likely a ficticious number used for the sake of an example, but this peaked my interest.
What is the most -x damage reduction possible in expansion? How much -x magic damage reduction is possible? What equipment would this entail? I seem to remember a post about this but the search is coming up empty (if there is one, just send a link and a quick note about my stupidity, I promise I won't cry).
And about the -x% damage, I remember hearing that it was 75%. I now know that was incorrect for 1.10. Was this always capped at 50% or was it different in 1.08, or 1.09?
One last quick erroneous question: Is cyclone armor like a necromancer's bone armor, that is to ask does it take ALL elemental damage until it runs out, or is there a % or number that bypasses it?
(not the statistical sharpest number cruncher tool in the shed)