Teleporting Merc + Monster AI Issue
Quote:Taking a portal or wp or just running into town fixes the problem.

I have had this problem on realms play(1.10), and it persists the whole rest of the game. What I'm experiencing my be triggered by something different though. Usually it happens if the merc has died alot. Switching acts or tps to town do nothing to fix it. Only new games cause the behavior to cease. Well actually, maybe the merc dying would fix it too, but the merc doesn't die much when he's not attacked. maybe I'll try to test this later.

No monsters will target the merc, though he does still attack(and kill), and take damage when hit by area effect attacks. It's actually very useful in general to me. I use aura mercs on many of my chars, and the benefit of the aura is worth more than having a sheild most of the time. It's simply amazing vs act bosses as well, since the merc can often survive considering that the boss won't target him at all.

EDIT: Just to mention, I don't think I've seen this happen until the second season of 1.10. It may have been happenign earlier, but I didn't notice it until now.

Messages In This Thread
Teleporting Merc + Monster AI Issue - by kier - 10-10-2003, 11:52 AM
Teleporting Merc + Monster AI Issue - by AssA - 10-11-2003, 10:59 AM
Teleporting Merc + Monster AI Issue - by kier - 10-13-2003, 12:21 PM
Teleporting Merc + Monster AI Issue - by lfd - 07-16-2004, 11:24 AM
Teleporting Merc + Monster AI Issue - by brianc84 - 07-16-2004, 02:41 PM
Teleporting Merc + Monster AI Issue - by Munkay - 07-16-2004, 03:12 PM
Teleporting Merc + Monster AI Issue - by Baajikiil - 07-16-2004, 03:33 PM

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