06-23-2004, 05:57 PM
If the most "fun" aspect of the game is watching your experience bar hit the next level, then I don't see it ever appealing to casual gamers. Since there is essentially no such thing as "end game", what exactly are we hurrying them along to get to? The fun in a game should come primarily from the journey rather than the destination. In my opinion, the rest state makes it harder to give everyone a fun journey, because it is a disruptive variable in the game balance. If the quest/level ratio is balanced for a moderate to light gamer, then someone like you is going to complain when they run out of quests. If the ratio is balanced for you, then the true casual gamer is going to either be stuck doing a bunch of quests that are way too easy, or be overwhelmed by the massive number of unfinished quests they have to choose from. To me, it would be better to make this ratio constant, and focus on making the early game itself fun in order to appeal to casual gamers. The early game never seems fun to power gamers, but that is mainly because they have blasted through it 20 times already.