The perfect MF trapsin claws?
Right, so I'm back to trappers. (I do so love trapsins. <3)

A long, long wait for Diablo-Part-Deux in a Hell game yielded several +3 traps claws, and two +3 shadows. (Almost making up for the fact that I somehow managed to SELL both of my original claws to a shop with no spare space for weapons. I blame lag and bad luck, but I'm still not talking to Larzuk.)

My trapper uses LS and her merc/shadow for the first kills and then clears the screen with Death Sentry. She has 18 points in FB, which is enough to take down most of the light immunes she's run into so far. (She also uses Shock Web a bit--am I right in assuming that it doesn't count to the 5-trap limit? I haven't been seeing the sentries pop when she throws them down, and they -look- like they overlap, but I don't trust the game screen implicitly...)

She's stuffed with MF (armor, boots, belt--most equipment slots) but I'd like to pack some more on. I don't want to lose +6 skills by switching to Ali and an MF shield, but Ists are not cheap and I have my reserves about socketing claws with them. Is it indeed a Bad, Bad Idea?

And the actual mechanics questions: Can I get three sockets in a traps claw with the quest? And should I hold out for a +3 traps/+ DS or LS claw? I'm not that concerned with speed; IAS or a fast base speed claw could be nice, but I think FB is the only skill that IAS would affect here, and she -is- using Goldwrap...

Thanks as always for reading. =)
USWest SC ladder.
No more death by quill rat. Big Grin

Messages In This Thread
The perfect MF trapsin claws? - by Azazel - 06-21-2004, 09:21 PM
The perfect MF trapsin claws? - by Wyrm - 06-21-2004, 09:39 PM
The perfect MF trapsin claws? - by Striker - 06-21-2004, 09:41 PM

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