jrichard, want me to quote everything you said?
Okay, your replies are a big help, (although I can also get + all resistances small charms for resistances, and life is not much of a problem so far, somehow, when I charge and release Dragon Tail, my life goes from 2/3 to full... :huh: ). Thanks for the tip on the IK gloves and belt, that helps a lot. Is it possible to get 100% damage reduction? If so, would it be useful?
Caaroid, although your dual claws and weapon block suggestion was my first ever assassin set up, I feel that I can put the points in Weapon Block to some other skill, probably Phoenix Strike... Maybe I can use Guardian Angel to support Stormshield? Anyway, I haven't gotten Stormshield yet, it'll depend on whether I have skills left when I reach clvl 85...
Thanks for the *ahem* "short" replies guys... Maybe 85% damage reduction isn't too good after all, unless I can get max resistances in hell difficult... Right now, my kicker's clvl 49 (my clvl 69 enchantress just finished nightmare and I got caught up in trading the gul rune I got from hell hellforge... so, right now she's clvl 75 instead of my assassin reaching about clvl 65 by now... :()
Additional information would still be appreciated, as I will be reading this thread as long as my assassin isn't clvl 85... Thanks!
Quote:...Lol. May I just clarify, this is not an insult to your reply.
Okay, your replies are a big help, (although I can also get + all resistances small charms for resistances, and life is not much of a problem so far, somehow, when I charge and release Dragon Tail, my life goes from 2/3 to full... :huh: ). Thanks for the tip on the IK gloves and belt, that helps a lot. Is it possible to get 100% damage reduction? If so, would it be useful?
Caaroid, although your dual claws and weapon block suggestion was my first ever assassin set up, I feel that I can put the points in Weapon Block to some other skill, probably Phoenix Strike... Maybe I can use Guardian Angel to support Stormshield? Anyway, I haven't gotten Stormshield yet, it'll depend on whether I have skills left when I reach clvl 85...
Thanks for the *ahem* "short" replies guys... Maybe 85% damage reduction isn't too good after all, unless I can get max resistances in hell difficult... Right now, my kicker's clvl 49 (my clvl 69 enchantress just finished nightmare and I got caught up in trading the gul rune I got from hell hellforge... so, right now she's clvl 75 instead of my assassin reaching about clvl 65 by now... :()
Additional information would still be appreciated, as I will be reading this thread as long as my assassin isn't clvl 85... Thanks!