Looking for expert advice on a necro.
Quote:Is there anything I can do before I am high enough for summon resist?

Basically just pump mastery and raise skeleton. Very shortly into normal, your skellys hp will be so high that no leb in normal will dent them. A point in summon resist is definitely a good idea, but I usually just leave it at 1 point. +all and +summoning skill wands/ammys/circlets are common enough by late nm/hell that the diminishing returns on the skill make it a 1 point wonder.

As for IM, I usually back off from the knights that casted it, and my merc gets hit by it, I take a port to town or beat a hasty retreat. If it's just my skellys, I usually back off a little and let only a few engage. I often just wait out the curse, and summon new minions as the old kill themselves. Not a huge deal because it is very rare for all the skellys to be IMed at once. Only maybe 1/2 at a time.

Messages In This Thread
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-07-2004, 08:37 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-08-2004, 02:16 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Guest - 06-09-2004, 12:53 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Baajikiil - 06-09-2004, 02:37 PM

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