Looking for expert advice on a necro.
Arem,Jun 8 2004, 02:07 AM Wrote:I have had a couple problems.  At first the uniques were wasting my troops, but now they die quickly.  However, lighting enchanted ones tend to kill off my whole army with the possible exception of the golem.  I have to quickly raise more skeletons to take those enemies down.  Is there anything I can do before I am high enough for summon resist?  Also, how can I counter iron maiden when that is cast on my guys?
First off: It's normal. Normal is easy. Unless you're skipping over everything, and thus you don't get experience or items, your level/skill levels will easily keep up with your opponents, at least until at act V, where you can start getting better items and such anyway.

For the iron maiden: Where are you finding iron maiden at level 10? You should only see that in acts IV and V! And by then you'll have the strength to deal with it, either by finding a way around it, or suiciding your troops and recruiting more.

As to the lightning enchanted ones, they're easy enough in normal, as long as you have a bit of resistance. Iron maiden and a point in clay golem will do the job so far. Just resummon the golem right in front of the boss when the golem is about to die; the boss'll won't move around too much, and most of the damage will go to the golem, and, through the curse, back to the boss. You'll still lose most of your army, but at least the unique'll be dead, and you can go about recruiting a new one.

Messages In This Thread
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-07-2004, 08:37 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-08-2004, 02:16 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Guest - 06-09-2004, 12:53 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Bob the Beholder - 06-09-2004, 01:43 AM

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