Looking for expert advice on a necro.
Quote:At spell level 32 with level 32 mastery, skeletons do a wee bit under 400 damage a hit, and have around 800-900 life each.

With level 32 Raise Skeleton with level 32 mastery, they actually have close to 4619 life in Hell. The skill description doesn't appear to display their life accurately.

Quote:e. Might (offensive, nightmare difficulty): Another good candidate (the other two being blessed aim and thorns) to choose. Might can really skyrocket your minions' damage, more than tripling it. Consider a skeleton melee damage of 350 ok? Whaddaya say to over 1000 damage per hit? Might is good, and it supports all your melee minions no matter what they hit, be it melee monster, ranged, or magic. On hell difficulty, it means they will hit less often than with blessed aim on. I still don't know what would calculate better. I have used both, and liked both, even though secretly I am starting to like blessed aim better.

Skeletons already have some off weapon ED%, so the increase in damage from Might is really not that drastic. Level 20 Might will just increase the damage of skeletons summoned with level 32 raise skeleton and level 32 skeleton mastery from 360-363 to 634-639. Getting Level 20 Might out of the merc will take quite a few +all skills, too.

SerraAngel's Necroskeleton stat calculator (Excel)

Messages In This Thread
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-07-2004, 08:37 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by brianc84 - 06-07-2004, 12:12 PM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Arem - 06-08-2004, 02:16 AM
Looking for expert advice on a necro. - by Guest - 06-09-2004, 12:53 AM

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