06-01-2004, 02:55 PM
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Jun 1 2004, 05:36 AM]The original question was whats the difference between a crunch and a sit up, hence the "read up comment" :)
But isn't there a way of doing crunches at home, without the $2.000 equipment?
But as far as ways to do crunches in your house, there is always the tried and true 'lay on your back' method. I should have linked here, instead of to direct exercises. Here is a barrage of different types to work out those damn rectus abdominis muscles, some require equipment, others don't.
The reason I linked to exercises that general need a gym membership to do, was in case you were looking to bulk out your stomach a bit, get larger muscles in the 'six pack.' I'm a prescriber to the idea of 'full body cardio to burn fat' (one or a combination of: running, swiming, biking, rowing, etc) and weight training, rather than hundreds of sit ups to tone the stomach. But regular crunches still work well too :P .
Hope the link helps a bit more,