05-23-2004, 02:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2004, 02:51 AM by MongoJerry.)
Better late than never! Here's a screenshot I took of the chaos of first raid on Stormwind. My priestess is busy front and center resurrecting random bodies on the ground. As you can see in the discussion, it was just at this time that it was dawning on people that the horde cemetary is really close to Stormwind, so it was actually better for people to just release their spirits immediately and run back to join the fray rather than wait for a resurrection.
You can also see Ether (Lemekin) to the upper-left and TheBolt (Bolty) just beyond him. Ether's labeled with a dark blue label, because he was in a different group than me. TheBolt's label is light blue (and hard to read, because he's far away), because he was in my official "group."
My big claim to fame or contribution or whatever was that I actually managed to cast a Shadow Word: Pain on a guard without it being resisted! So, I know I contributed at least 250 points of damage in there. I also threw some random wand shots, but who knows how many actually managed to not get resisted. It was definitely a fun event, and I look forward to the next raid of some place or other.