Running or walking is there difference
That would explain why every time that I try to run my character out of a bad situation, I end up dead.
I'm sure the rest of the household will be glad that they now have to suffer less of my shouting.

But I will say this:
That's possibly the dumbest idea I've ever seen in D2 (and there are some pretty dumb ideas). Would someone care to explain how a monster will find it 100% easy to hit a moving target? do I suddenly take all my armour off to run?
Blocking should go down, but enemy CTH should be REDUCED by running, which would seem like common sense really.
You'd at least think that this would be explained to the Diablo2 playing public at large, since it doesn't make the slightest shred of sense "BTW, we've implemented a totally nonsensical system where you actually get hit 100% of the time if you run away - which combined with you stopping if you get hit, MSLEB's & the resistance penalty means: You're dead, and there's nothing you can do about it"


One question though, do you lose any chance of not being hit if you have ctrl down? or only if you're actually moving with ctrl down?


Messages In This Thread
Running or walking is there difference - by Jess - 05-19-2004, 12:42 PM
Running or walking is there difference - by Bob - 05-20-2004, 10:25 PM

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