how and i can find the datas about 82arealvel
Aw, shucks! Ain't that what I just done did says? I mean, you did done go do read that thar post, didja widja? :P
And to remove some of the spammingness of this...

The alevel means the level of the monsters in an an area. If it is alvl (area level) 85, for instance, all normal monsters there are mlvl (monster level) 85. Champions get a +2 boost to the mlvl, and uniques and their minions get a +3 boost. The alvl determines many things, such as health, damage, and what items they can drop. I'm sure Adeyke (that's who I'm assuming you are talking about) will come by with a much better/technical definition of it soon. I would have explained more, but I'm running short on time.

Messages In This Thread
how and i can find the datas about 82arealvel - by Obi2Kenobi - 05-20-2004, 04:01 AM

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