05-03-2004, 12:40 AM
Quote: So I went and read the read me, and I noticed that it changes of ton of things in the game. My question is, do any of the changes it makes to game unbalance it, and/or make it too easy?
The following changes are things I'd consider modifications to game difficulty.
Harder Easier
- Players cannot benefit from Bovine Plate or Armor of Gloom's high AC unless they identify the item
- Removed character-ruining effects like Black Death's lifesteal and FOS shrines (Whether this is actually easier is debatable as far as I'm concerned. BDs lifesteal isn't so much difficult as it is infuriating.)
- Fixed AC bug and sweep damage bug. (Significant!)
- No more spellblocking. (Easier in the sense that Monks and S/S Warriors aren't put into blocklock by Succubus mobs, which makes the classes unplayable.)
Of course, then there's the wildly eccentric "Wirtistopheles" mod which adds two things for which players have long clamored: the head of Wirt and ... well, nuts, I forgot the other. Maybe someone else remembers.
Quote:Anyone that's played it have any input here?
Some players have commented adding a Book of Identify was going a bit too far, even if it is qlvl 17. But, well, you can decide to not read it if that's your thing. Other than that, I've not heard much.