A variant Idea based on "Kill Bill Vol. 1"
Death becomes you, Andariel. My single-player bride just used her tiger-style dragon talon technique to slay Andariel at level 12. (I let the fallen who followed me in live) She dropped a bloodfist, which will no doubt come in handy.


Burst of Speed is acceptable, correct?
Can she use non-skill elemental damage, such as a lightning charm? (I assume poison is acceptable from any source)

I'm not sure I understand the Unique sword rules. If a unique sword drops, I must either:

A ) start using it, go into practice mode, and not use any other weapon again unless I find another unique sword
B ) dispose of it

I can't stash it and start using it later, correct?

And If I'm not yet using a unique sword when I'm ready to "KiLL BaaL", Is there anything in particular I should do to find one? Just kill act bosses? Start over from the beginning? Do Throne of Destruction runs? Have my Shadow Warrior assist me in seppuku?

-- frink

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A variant Idea based on "Kill Bill Vol. 1" - by Professor Frink - 04-17-2004, 01:44 PM

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