Oh, Doc. :D Sometimes it's just a wonder some of us get through a day. To a feasting hyena even a fetid corpse is wonderful. So, let us each be wonderful in our own way -- and hopefully very few of us do that as carrion.

To all the displaced AB'ers... a hearty welcome and enjoy. I am a secret AB lurker.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


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Hello... - by DravenII - 04-14-2004, 02:23 AM
Hello... - by gekko - 04-14-2004, 02:34 AM
Hello... - by DravenII - 04-14-2004, 02:40 AM
Hello... - by Doc - 04-14-2004, 03:42 AM
Hello... - by kandrathe - 04-14-2004, 06:09 AM
Hello... - by Archon_Wing - 04-14-2004, 06:53 AM
Hello... - by DravenII - 04-14-2004, 08:08 PM
Hello... - by Zarathustra - 04-15-2004, 11:48 AM
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Hello... - by Obi2Kenobi - 04-15-2004, 10:13 PM
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