04-08-2004, 05:05 AM
Pete,Apr 7 2004, 10:46 PM Wrote:Hi,You don't need to pull the card out to see what model it is. You can get a decent idea of what card you have by using Microsoft's Direct X diagnostic tool. As long as you have Direct X installed (which you most assuredly do), you can get a nice readout of some interesting information about your system.
Without pulling it out to look, I'd have to say a 2. The GeForce line was just cranking up in early 2000, and we had to run the systems on some old ATI cards I had lying around while we waited for the back-ordered nVidia cards.
-type "dxdiag" in the empty field
When the diagnostic tool loads, click on the "display" tab to see what you've got.
Quote:I doubt you could even start to get anything as "primitive" as the cards we have.
That's why I'm really curious about this. I think that my ATI Radeon 7000 32MB PCI card (currently resting in a dead computer in my closet) is the most primitive card out there. If it turns out that your card (is it AGP or PCI?) is more primitive than my Radeon 7000, then we have just established a new low-end benchmark for WoW.