03-08-2004, 10:28 PM
Quote:Ok, time to again shine the spotlight on my stupidity. I have some vague idea of what they are, but, how about a short course - Graphic Macros 101?
I'm at the library right now, so I can't give examples, but I'll try.
"Macro" in this sense is short for "image macro"; basically, an image that expresses an idea. They're commonly made and/or used for quotes and such that are often used (for example, I have a 'RTFM' macro I can put up here once I get home).
Another good example is one I posted earlier in this thread. The entry for gold from the periodic table, subtitled 'comedy' - it's a reference from Something Awful, where people would label great posts 'comedy gold'.
Somebody else could give you a better definition (DeeBye, want to jump in?) but hopefully that helped abit.