02-16-2004, 11:33 PM
Quote:I loved those shows.
Those two were awesome. Kindred, in particular, floored me because here was something drawn straight out of Vampire: The Masquerade (Toreadors and Brujahs, the whole bit) which not only didn't suck, it distinctly rocked.
Reboot was just plain awesome, especially the last season with Enzo and Andraia making their way through games, and Bob/Glitch exiled to the Web. Awesome, awesome show.
Quote:I'm still pissed that they didn't give The Tick a serious chance.
There's another one I forgot. I only saw one episode (I'm assuming you mean the live-action show?), but it was memorable. It looked like it had a lot of potential...
Quote:The basic problem with both Buffy and Angel is that there wasn't a well developed and well limited universe worked out *from the start* to contain them.
I'll agree with this. Buffy suffered a lot in the first season from this (uh, the Mantis teacher, coyote spirits, the swim team turning into monsters, etc), but it seemed obvious (to me, anyway) that at that point there was no "defining vision" for the show's future - it was more episodic like most shows were at the time.
Even with that said, it's impressive what Whedon managed to accomplish, considering the show was based on a musical starring Rutger Hauer (don't get me wrong, I think he's a pretty cool actor, but he has the worst tendency to get cast in very bad movies). The actual Buffy movie was... pretty bad.
Quote:One show I do miss is Space: Above and Beyond.
... And yet another I had forgotten about. :( This one had real potential, and I thought it awesome that it truely felt like a military show (the writers not scared of killing off characters and all). I still get chills when I think of the "uber-chig" fighter in the last episode...
Quote:I never really knew about it until quite late into the show
Looking back on it, I think the best place to end Buffy would have been at the end of the fifth season, after the Glory storyline. That last episode would have been a fitting (if bittersweet) end for Buffy. The sixth season really did seem surreal, and the only part of it I really like was the stuff with Willow at the end (and that part I really, really liked). FX has only shown a few of the season 7 episodes, so I don't know how that will turn out, but I gather that the last episode went off with a big bang?
Quote:Babylon 5, on the other hand, was a fantastic show.
Best sci-fi ever. PPGs, represent!
Quote:Family Guy
Oh man, how could I forget? But I think some network picked it up again, so I guess this doesn't count. Stewie > *.