12-09-2003, 09:54 AM
Unearthing an ancient thread here...
It's.... alive!
"Last Kiss" by Pearl Jam is a favorite of mine if we're talking sappy songs.
I really like that song a lot. I don't get too emotionally invested in it though.
The only song I can remember sobbing from was Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" (which Van mentioned earlier in this thread). A few of the songs from Les Miserables probably would do it to, if I had listened to them under similarly sad cirumstances. Since you mentioned Final Fantasy music, the song Celes sings in the opera scene of FF3 (U.S.) is pretty powerful in the melancholy department too.
It's.... alive!
"Last Kiss" by Pearl Jam is a favorite of mine if we're talking sappy songs.
I really like that song a lot. I don't get too emotionally invested in it though.
The only song I can remember sobbing from was Clapton's "Tears in Heaven" (which Van mentioned earlier in this thread). A few of the songs from Les Miserables probably would do it to, if I had listened to them under similarly sad cirumstances. Since you mentioned Final Fantasy music, the song Celes sings in the opera scene of FF3 (U.S.) is pretty powerful in the melancholy department too.