Finding Stuff
Wow, a month and only a level 78 character!? You must be a really bad player! You will now be shunned by me. (Note: Sarcasm)

I installed the game July of 2000, and I've got only... two characters right now that are past Normal. One of which is a level 73 paladin, which was very low level back in the days of patch 1.04, medium level in the earlier days of the expansion, and higher level now in 1.10. He's also incapable of killing anything in the later parts of Hell difficulty, but that's beside the point. (There were more characters, but I randomly decide to start new characters too much to ever finish any of them, and I also go through and delete characters I don't play after a while.)

Hopefully you aren't wearing the magic find equipment while you're trying to go through hell, because that would not be a good thing.

Perhaps you could revise your strategy a bit. With Piotyr, my Paladin, for example, I use Zeal. But when I started trying some Countess runs in Hell (Act 1, I know. But he sucks...), I'd get mobbed like crazy, and then block-locked and killed. This was obviously not a good thing. So, first I tried running around like a chicken with its head cut off until I could run in and put a few good thwacks on some poor unsuspecting fool of a monster. They weren't so poor, considering with my Atlantean (I love the thing, but it's just not cutting it) it would barely part their fur, and their regeneration is just too much for me. By the nature of Zeal itself I had to go toe to toe with the hellions for a pretty good amount of time before I could take 'em down, so I sat back and took a lot at my options.

Charge costs too much mana; I built the character around the pitiful mana cost of Zeal. Vengeance had the same problem. Sacrafice had me dying even faster. There was something wrong with every skill I had, except Convert. So, I tried it out. I ran in and whacked a yeti a few times, and a little swirly appeared above its head. All the monsters attacked it, and I was able to chop down a couple monsters during the distraction. Woohoo, progress. And the progress continued... Until I met a physical immune archer LEB, and a goat with the same mods, both at the same time. I actually never completed a countess run due to things like that. Boy were they fun, though. All that frantic running around and such.

Well, I've managed to ramble on quite a bit, but there's a point here somewhere. One thing you can do is just improvise. I'm not up on high level Barbarian skills (The only ones I've used extensively are WW and Concentration, and that was just in Normal), but just take a look at your options, and try to formulate a plan. It also helps to be really careful, and not just whirlwind into everything you can find.

Or you could just keep doing MF runs until you find some sort of crazy uber equipment and slaughter everything easily. I've never had uber equipment, though, let alone the kind that allows you to slaughter everything easily, so I really wouldn't know much about that.

Messages In This Thread
Finding Stuff - by shavenlunatic - 10-28-2003, 02:41 PM
Finding Stuff - by AtomicKitKat - 10-28-2003, 07:47 PM
Finding Stuff - by shavenlunatic - 10-29-2003, 12:30 AM
Finding Stuff - by War_Master_Ares - 10-30-2003, 09:45 AM
Finding Stuff - by TabithaWolf - 10-30-2003, 02:49 PM
Finding Stuff - by Bob the Beholder - 11-02-2003, 10:24 AM

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