Text messaging invades English schools!
I have 190 people on my buddy list for AIM, if I cleaned it out, it'd probably be down to at least 150, and maybe 100. I use the "u" and "ur" and "prolly" (probably)... but other than that, I usually use normal English. And no, I don't add "z"s on the end of things... although it does happen among the middle schoolers (or so I am told by their siblings).

However, there is a time for IM, and a time for analyzing Crime and Punishment, Hiroshima, Death of a Salesman, Obasan, House of Spirits etc... and also Plato's Republic. The classes I am taking would never tolerate any other kind of English or shorthand or anything on turned in papers.

Although, I have noticed through my years in English (GT to IB), that there is a lack of grammar being taught. Every year the teacher is suprised that you didn't do grammar the year before, yet they fail to cover it themselves. /end rant on schooling

Messages In This Thread
Text messaging invades English schools! - by Vash - 03-04-2003, 01:44 AM
Text messaging invades English schools! - by soccerguy315 - 03-09-2003, 05:11 AM

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