v1.10s; Sometimes using Amp Damage is inferior
I made a visit to hell Izual, and had the chance to fight 3 gloam bosses with minions. AD didnt break their PI, but increased the damage made on the minions while using Sanctuary. Furthermore, at slvl 2 was making more damage than Fanaticism slvl 21.

Gloams' attacks reminded me 1.09 bowazons PvP guided. I thought that (the bugged) Charge and Smite would work, and it did for a clvl 87 fanatic zealadin, 70 lightning res and lightsabre. However, I noticed something I didn't in 1.09: Smite takes bonus from Sanctuary. Besides that, I couldn't think on a better way to deal with those fast floating run away mana burners.

edited: typography
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v1.10s; Sometimes using Amp Damage is inferior - by Nicator - 10-06-2003, 12:23 AM

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