HellFire quests
I finally managed to get my hands on a copy of Hellfire :D. Now I read a lot about Hellfire and tot he best of my recollection, Theo appears on Adria's little island after you've ventured into the Hive. But I've made it as far as dlvl 3 in the Hive and I can't find Theo anywhere. On top of that Lester has disappeared. Is he involved in the plot somehow, or does he simply disappear after you've been in the Hive. If it's the latter, I think Sierra could have done a little better with that particular NPC.

By the way, what's the best way to kill the Necrobombs (the floaty tenticled things).
But I told that kid a hundred times "Don't take the Lakes for granted.
They go from calm to a hundred knots so fast they seem enchanted."
But tonight some red-eyed Wiarton girl lies staring at the wall,
And her lover's gone into a white squall.

Messages In This Thread
HellFire quests - by dudearonymus_32 - 09-19-2003, 10:57 PM
HellFire quests - by LemmingofGlory - 09-20-2003, 12:20 AM
HellFire quests - by dudearonymus_32 - 09-20-2003, 12:34 PM

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