The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards
This post is a bit of an odd one, at first glance, to put here, but...
Quote:Knowledge is power. In this forum, we discuss detailed game mechanics and statistics, from how Diablo II functions, to the probabilities of events happening. I am, personally, primarily interested in the mechanics and speed of (a statistic) accomplishing certain rushing tasks, here it goes.

I'm proposing, informally, a contest for LLers "testing" v1.10 betas. There are quite a few categories, though only one overall theme: speed. Thus the caption: The Great Race. I was thinking that there are a number of odd quest objects, like Khalim's squishy parts and the Golden Bird of Kulay [?] that would make excellent trophy/symbols for the awards (i.e. like the Oscar statue for movie awards).

My bias is towards v1.10 (release) and the interesting fact that the game will start fresh (economy) for large numbers of people. The obvious race for most people will be ranking on the ladder. That race is ultimately a marathon--I'm more interested in sprints.

At some point I'd like to share some of the interesting quirks of rushing and twinking I've been buried in for weeks, and I thought--since a formal report is such an overwhelming task--that the meat of it could be revealed quite simply by practical suggestions and comments in a Great Race thread.

So here's a suggestion for the general Categories of award, with the "nominees" being LLers who have run the race and posted in this thread their final time (hours:minutes:seconds) with a brief write up of their starting conditions, and procedural techniques (plus lessons learned, etc.)...

1) Malus... for qualifying for an Imbue (Charsi quest/reward; fyi norm clvl 8 restriction)
2) Viper Amulet... for getting to Act 3 (sailing post Tyriel quest)
3) Soulstone... for smashing at Hellforge (quest credit/reward)
4) Khalim's Brain, Eye, Heart... (timed from start of new game) clear of the 3 Prime Evils
5) Horadic Cube... for breaking the siege (Larzuk socket quest credit)
6) Golden Bird... for being Worthy (Ancients quest credit; fyi clvl 20xDiff restriction)
7) Book of Skill... for making an xp formula change level (25, 70, 99)
8) Wirt's Leg... for completion of the game (Baal quest credit)

I know I'm skipping lots of interesting categories. But these can all be timed, and are all related to rushing technique. They should all be timed from new character startout (anyone participating leaving town), except for number 4, which is still related to rushing quite directly but typically times the technique of rush aiders instead of the rushee (and is a fun thing to do of itself--not to mention for the drops).

Hopefully it is obvious that you can be running several races simultaneously and that you can take session breaks since your total running time is what matters. The order in which I listed the races is meant to be helpful but is not meant to be restrictive or a checklist.

Now, these catagories are not at all complete without multiplying them by sub-category conditions. These are things like:

A) Aided: Twinked vs. Pure
B) aBetted: Solo vs. Team (i.e. assisted by active players)
C) Count: Players N (e.g. fixed at 1, fixed at 2, ..., fixed at 8, variable)
D) Difficulty: normal, nightmare, hell
E) Exploit: use of probable bug or oversight in game

So your "nominee" summary post should include, at the very least, character name, your Category, sub-categories, and time. Along with your name (poster handle, actually), this info can be summarized from time to time for the leading nominees. If there is any burning question as to who the leader/winner is in a sub-category (say, for example, due to questioning which sub-categorie they qualify to be in) then we can have the usual LL flame war (in a separate thread, please).

So, to summarize:
have a timer handy
create your character
start up a game
if appropo to sub-category, join game, twink
start the clock when a participant leaves town(s)
stop the clock when you take breaks (end the game; idle in town while all participant players take a break; etc.)
record your times at the Category milestones (clock still running for longer races you're also running, of course)
if you did well or have something interesting to report, post it here, for fame and glory.

See ya at the track,

Messages In This Thread
The Great Race; a proposal for "Khalim" awards - by Crystalion - 09-09-2003, 03:13 AM

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