Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet
Quote:For anyone who thinks it is not offensive ask yourself whether you would repeat what he wrote in person to Mike Tyson.

Don't you think you could have picked a more... sane black person to use as an example? If I ran into Mike Tyson on the street, I wouldn't even ask him what time it was for fear of some form of molestation, much less blurt out 'Niggas triangulate!'

Now, if you had picked a more respected black person, like Condoleeze Rice or Denzel Washington... Still, I wouldn't be too worried about offending them with something so obviously ludicrous and inoffensive.

I think you need to learn to pick your battles. If Ignatz had said something like 'Niggas are ugly' or something obvoiusly driven by hate, you'd have a case. But if you launch yourself into a tirade over what he actually did say, it seems to me that you're looking for something to get indignant about. I'm sorry if you are indeed genuinely offended, for whatever reason, but I frankly cannot stand modern standards for political correctness.

No, I'm not black myself, but I wouldn't be offended if some person on the internet said 'Down with crackers' or something. I don't understand the deal with the word 'nigger'. Sure, if someone uses it, it typically means that person doesn't like black people. But they probably wouldn't use it if people would lighten up more. If you get all upset because some person you never met uses a word, you have to find other things to get upset about. Some guy saying 'nigger' has absoluetly no impact on your life, and there's no reason for you to take up arms against him. If you ignore him, he'll go away.

Jeez, I shouldn't get into these discussions when I'm so tired. I'm terribly sorry for my rant. I hope my arguments are somewhat coherent. :unsure:

Messages In This Thread
Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet - by Bob - 08-01-2003, 07:18 PM
Interesting rumor about Venom from Bnet - by Cougar - 08-16-2003, 04:01 AM

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