08-01-2003, 03:26 PM
Here's what I suggest. It's kind of borderline-cheating, but if you've heard the rumors about a UNATCO raid I think JC may be suspicious enough to do this.
Before going inside the room to talk to Paul, place a LAM on the outside of his doorframe (on the right, about head-level). Also place a gas grenade on the doorframe of the next room down the hall (left side of frame if you're looking at it). Then, when the troops show up after you've talked with Paul, one of the MiBs will try to open the door, which sets off the LAM (it usually doesn't kill him, but he'll be hurt). At the same time the other clump of troops (3 or 4 UNATCO troopers and 2 MiBs, IIRC) will set off the gas grenade and become sitting ducks.
What you do after that depends. If you have LAMs (or 20mm ammo) to spare you can lob one out the door to take out the first MiB fast. If you kill him quickly, you should have time to run out of the room and snipe some of the gassed troopers before the cloud dissipates. Or again, have fun with LAMs/20mm.
The rest of the area is mostly improvisation. There's a UNATCO sniper on the second-floor balconty, 5 or 6 troopers wander around in the main area downstairs, and there's usually one in the office and the little room by the elevator. There's also 2 or 3 near the ATMs.
I've tried placing explosives around the ground floor, but whether they get triggered is a hit-or-miss thing. The troops in the foyer have a tendency to clump at the foot of the stairs once they see you or Paul, though, so once again explosives or gas grenades work well here. Other than that I basically treat the troopers as assault rifle fodder.
Two things to note about Paul during this area. I'm pretty sure he's invulnerable during this sequence - I don't have any proof, but I've heard it mentioned and seen him take 2 MiB blasts without flinching. So I wouldn't be surprised if you could just hide in his bathroom or something while he kills all the enemies. Also, don't shoot him. If you so much as wing him, he'll turn hostile and perforate your butt. :blink:
Oh, and don't worry about the Rentons. The UNATCO troops kick them out of the hotel before they assault the room, so you can blow stuff up without worrying about civilians.
Before going inside the room to talk to Paul, place a LAM on the outside of his doorframe (on the right, about head-level). Also place a gas grenade on the doorframe of the next room down the hall (left side of frame if you're looking at it). Then, when the troops show up after you've talked with Paul, one of the MiBs will try to open the door, which sets off the LAM (it usually doesn't kill him, but he'll be hurt). At the same time the other clump of troops (3 or 4 UNATCO troopers and 2 MiBs, IIRC) will set off the gas grenade and become sitting ducks.
What you do after that depends. If you have LAMs (or 20mm ammo) to spare you can lob one out the door to take out the first MiB fast. If you kill him quickly, you should have time to run out of the room and snipe some of the gassed troopers before the cloud dissipates. Or again, have fun with LAMs/20mm.
The rest of the area is mostly improvisation. There's a UNATCO sniper on the second-floor balconty, 5 or 6 troopers wander around in the main area downstairs, and there's usually one in the office and the little room by the elevator. There's also 2 or 3 near the ATMs.
I've tried placing explosives around the ground floor, but whether they get triggered is a hit-or-miss thing. The troops in the foyer have a tendency to clump at the foot of the stairs once they see you or Paul, though, so once again explosives or gas grenades work well here. Other than that I basically treat the troopers as assault rifle fodder.
Two things to note about Paul during this area. I'm pretty sure he's invulnerable during this sequence - I don't have any proof, but I've heard it mentioned and seen him take 2 MiB blasts without flinching. So I wouldn't be surprised if you could just hide in his bathroom or something while he kills all the enemies. Also, don't shoot him. If you so much as wing him, he'll turn hostile and perforate your butt. :blink:
Oh, and don't worry about the Rentons. The UNATCO troops kick them out of the hotel before they assault the room, so you can blow stuff up without worrying about civilians.