Strange bug in Multiplayer: can't pick some items of loot
Although I can't speak to Hellfire specifically, what you are describing seems to be the normal, quirky nature of Diablo multiplayer. Diablo uses a peer to peer setup, where each computer has its own version of the game world's reality, which hopefully is pretty closely matched to the other players. But there isn't one dominant server demanding that everyone stay synced up with it at all costs. As a result the game usually runs super smooth... until one of these disagreements causes something bizarre to happen. When there is disagreement about whether the item you picked up actually exists, it seems to be decided in favor of the computer that hosted the game. That's why your cousin was able to pick up his version of the items but you weren't. Sometimes due to one player leaving the level you might both end up with the item which would lead to the duplicate item message later on.

We used to have all kinds of strange things happen as a result of desync, especially when one player was on Mac and the others on Windows. Somehow the Mac port actually had slightly different level generation than the Windows version, particularly in the catacombs levels. Not just items but disagreements on shrines and even the type of monsters on the level.

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RE: Strange bug in Multiplayer: can't pick some items of loot - by Nystul - 11-20-2014, 10:53 AM

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