The Story of Luddite, a HC/No AH/No Twink Run
(11-08-2012, 08:31 PM)Archon_Wing Wrote: Mp10 would be really hard on hardcore. Enemies like the Skeleton King hit really hard and you have no way of healing besides potions. In non-hardcore normal, Rakanoth one shot my DH. :S

Maybe I should get some 5 LOH weapon. :p

Huh the SK for a barb should be no big deal. All the little skeletons he summon make for easy globes, and Rend is fantastic (you don't have to take hits from him).

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RE: The Story of Luddite, a HC/No AH/No Twink Run - by vor_lord - 11-09-2012, 07:44 PM

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