Made in "Your Country Here" ; Is it important to you?
(10-05-2012, 08:37 PM)ShadowHM Wrote: I am not guilty of those sins. The lack of level playing field has many root causes, most of which have to do with geography. (See Guns, Germs and Steel for a primer on that.) They are, of course, exacerbated by the venality of general human nature. If you want to feel guilty about the sins of your forefathers, go right ahead.

No, it has zero to do with geography, and everything to do with the fact we live in a world that consists of classes. Wealthy nations exploit the 3rd world nations just as the Capitalist class exploits the working class within said nations. The exploitation of these weaker and poorer nations is a natural occurrence and necessity of global Capitalism. Nor is it exacerbated by "human nature" - human nature itself is a social construct just like religion and patriotism are, and anyone with even a basic anthropological and historical knowledge regarding the social development of our species should know this. It isn't biological. Which is why whenever I hear someone use the human nature argument in any kind of political or morality/ethics discussion, I get a bit queasy. Our behavior is generally a reflection of the economic, social, and political society we live in - it never has been and never will be a fixed, innate concept. They are exacerbated by the drive to expand private capital and increase profits, the goal of Capitalism - this has nothing to do with human nature.

Quote:No, those of us with our 'weird modern job name-manager which actually make a lot more money' jobs would have a bit less money, but our socialist national goverments might have more tax revenue, due to actually receiving income tax from those citizens who now are unemployed to help pay for the services all citizens receive.

"Socialist national governments". Please. I don't think you even know what Socialism is Rolleyes

And clearly, you have little understanding of the role of the State in Capitalism.

Quote:I can't think of any response to that. If buying the cheapest products, made in places with little-to-no human rights and little-to-no environmental rules, helping support governments that have no incentive to change that set-up makes you feel virtuous, please enjoy the feeling.

Thus why many people choose not to shop at say, Wal-Mart. But this is idealistic, and has little relevance pertaining to material conditions or processes. You clearly support Capitalism, and all of those horrible vices you just named are not only a by-product of Capitalist society, but they are also NECESSITATED by Capitalism. Your logic here is a complete paradox, and one viewed through the lens of rose-colored glasses at that: You cannot have it both ways. If you support Capitalist society and believe it is the best system for us, you directly or indirectly accept and acknowledge the vices that come along with it as well, and not just the moral/ethic or economic ones you listed, but the social and political ones too....such as racism, sexism, homophobia, war and jingoism, etc etc. Whether you want to or not.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (addressing the bourgeois)

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RE: Made in "Your Country Here" ; Is it important to you? - by FireIceTalon - 10-05-2012, 09:32 PM

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